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Elemental Healing With Air

Air, in its raw form in nature, is mainly a mixture of gases that forms an invisible protective layer around the earth. It is also home to tiny microbial organisms called bioaerosols.

Air is indispensable for the survival of living organisms on this planet. Also, it is an important part of several essential cycles that make life on earth possible. We can hear sound because air carries sound waves from one point to another. Rain, snow, fog, sea storms etc are common weather phenomena influenced by air. It is used in power generation and also, compressed air has several personal and industrial utilities.

Balanced Air or Wind

According to the Bon tradition, internally air is associated with the breath. The vital organ represented by this element is lungs and the colour is luminous green.

Air is connected with movement, flexibility, freedom, healing, magic and communication. It is light, fresh and unbound. When air is balanced, it acts as a vehicle of change, transforming negative mind states into positive ones - hate into love, pessimism into optimism, sadness into joy etc. All kinds of problems and concerns can easily be resolved and obstacles are turned into opportunities for learning. Even in difficult times you are playful and are capable of seeing and appreciating other good things in life. You have the potential to look at things from different perspective and think in new ways. You are an avid learner.

Dominant Air

When the air element is dominant in a person there is a lack of groundedness and stability. You have racing thoughts which can be overwhelming, leading to physical and mental exhaustion. It becomes really difficult to focus on one thing. There is little contentment or comfort in whatever you do or wherever you are. You are easily disturbed or upset by external influences. You may suffer from nervous breakdowns and in some cases an excess of air can lead to severe mental illnesses including insanity. A dominant air may signify a lack of earth or water element, hence one must develop whichever is lacking to restore the elemental balance.

Modern society is plagued with all kinds of disorders and diseases caused due to a dominant or a disturbed air element, such as anxiety, depression, heart conditions, insomnia, circulation problems, stiffening of the muscles, delusion, hallucination, hyposensitivity etc. In Tibetan medicine wind or vital energy ( lung in Tibetan) is one of the three humours that constitute and govern the body and also generate diseases when imbalanced. Tibetan medicine understanding of lung is very ancient and deep and several complex diagnostic techniques are used to diagnose lung disorders in a patient, subsequently a holistic treatment is prescribed involving changes in diet, mentality and lifestyle, multi-component herbal medication, external therapies like massage, compression etc and relaxation techniques like meditation, breathing exercises etc and also various detoxifying treatments.


Eat heavy, oily, nutritious and warm food like meat broth, meat, onion, boiled potato, eggs etc. Avoid raw vegetable, salad and cold food, cut down on tea and coffee. Massage with sesame oil, especially in important areas like head and ear. Herbal water and steam bath are also very helpful.

Deficient Air

When air is deficient, you feel stuck, there is no movement or growth in your life.

You feel restricted by your life situation and problems seem to be insurmountable, you are incapable of devising solutions to bring about the desired change in your life.

Retrieving Air From Nature

Find a place where there is wind like a hilltop or a beach or even on a city street or park etc. You can also be in a place where the air is cool and clean. Be present with the element and feel the movement of the air. Breathe in the fresh air and absorb its elemental qualities into your whole being. Feel the light, unbound and flexible quality of the element awaken within you. Free yourself from all kinds of negative thought patterns and mental constraints. When you develop a strong connection with the element you will be able to open up to new perspectives and recognize the potential you have for growth and expansion. Conscious breathing with your mind focused on your breath is also very helpful.

In Tibetan practices performed at the time of death, the lama summons the dead spirit through the air element, through inhalation. Once the spirit is contacted, the lama will help him or her to resolve what was left unresolved at death.
Some of the tantras talk about air in relation to magical powers. Magic always has to do with transformation; without the elemental energy of air there is no transformation. Traditionally, a lack of air is said to inhibit the ability to perform magic and makes it difficult to direct one’s rebirth.
Healing With Form, Energy and Light (Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche)

Tantric practices like tsa lung, trul khor, pho wa (transference of consciousness), contemplative breathing etc. involve channels or tsa (Tibetan), chakras or khorlo (Tibetan) and prana or lung (Tibetan) are meant to develop the air qualities in our body. Some of these practices are given in the book mentioned above.

Prayers and Affirmations

You can always call upon the air goddess who is an awakened being of the highest level. She is green in colour. I have made the following prayer but if you want, you can make your own prayers and affirmations. Also, for a detailed Goddess practice please consult the above mentioned book by Venerable Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

"I invoke the air goddess, the supreme enlightened being to help me overcome all the problems and obstacles, both internal and external. Please help me retrieve the lost and damaged air quality of my soul and heal me and all those who need to be healed."


Try making a daily routine, making a date with the elements- as Rinpoche says. Spend at least 15 -20min with the lacking air element for about a week or more. Since it depends entirely on the level of imbalance that you are suffering, it may take as long as a month or as less as a day to receive the benefits. Do not exert too much of effort, relax and just be present to feel the elemental energy.


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