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Elemental Healing with Earth


Earth is our home, it is the solid foundation- the stable ground which supports and allows everything to settle in/on it. Externally, in its raw form the earth with its gravitational force holds our world together, connects us and gives weight to physical objects, and so likewise internally earth is the source of stability, strength, connectedness, groundedness, solidity,

heaviness and security. Earth is rich, fertile and nourishing if it is in harmony with the other elements, but it can also be dry, barren and harsh if it is not in harmony with the other elements.

In Bon tradition, earth is regarded as the centre of everything and hence it is placed in the centre of the mandala. The colour associated with it is yellow and the organ is spleen.

As we now know through previous observation, that the elements are associated with different aspects of experience, whether physical, energetical, mental, emotional etc and we have also learned about the various reasons one might experience a certain elemental imbalance- a deficiency or a dominance of one or more element in one's body, so now you will be able to understand the various elemental traits and use this as a tool to first recognize your elemental condition- whether there is a dominance or deficiency of any element/s and then apply the appropriate remedy to it. So, in order to determine the nature of the elemental imbalance, it is necessary to first observe oneself for any consistent quality of experience or habitual tendencies or behaviours.

Following passages are from the book "Healing with Form, Energy and Light" written by the renowned Bon master Venerable Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche :

One way to think about long-term imbalance is to think about what you’ve wanted to change about yourself and how you act and react in life. This inquiry usually leads to particular traits

or capacities you want to develop or diminish. What do you want to change in how you feel physically, emotionally, energetically, mentally? Where do you run into problems? Are you

always late? Do you talk too much? Too little? Are you generally alert or dull? Agitated or calm? How is your meditation practice? Is there progress or do you simply spend time in a trance every day? Is your meditation the same as it was years ago or has there been progress?

The answers to these questions can be translated into elemental terms. For each area that you would like to change, think of the elemental quality that needs to be cultivated or diminished. You will most likely, but not necessarily, come up with one or two elements that seem to dominate your experience or one or two elements that seem lacking.

If you are too scattered, develop strength of mind by developing earth. If you are too

dull, develop air with the practices focusing on prana. If you worry too much, diminish the air quality, and cultivate earth and water. If you are too angry, diminish fire and cultivate water. If you are irresponsible, diminish water or space and cultivate earth and fire. And so on.

Understanding how to work with the elements also provides tools to use in situations in which you are unbalanced. If you become nervous when meeting strangers, develop your

connection to earth so that you can call on it and change your experience in the moment. Connect to earth, ground yourself. On the other hand, if you are dull when with other people, develop your ability to connect to the qualities of fire and air, and call on those when needed.

This precious knowledge or understanding can be applied to transform even the most deep rooted habits in order to bring about a desired change in life. It is the key to happiness and success both in mundane and spiritual realm. Additionally, we will also look into various techniques to balance the elements by retrieving the lost or deficient element.

A Balanced Earth

When the earth is balanced in our body we feel confident, stable and secure. There is a sense of connectedness to our own selves- to our thoughts, feeling and emotions and to our surrounding. We are capable of withstanding hardships with strength and integrity and so external circumstances do not easily sway or overwhelm us. It also endows us with a sense of responsibility, diligence, endurance and an ability to retain things.

A Dominant Earth

Too much of earth makes us dull, heavy, lazy and slow. we sleep a lot. It's a struggle to get things done, hard to bring changes in life, problems seem to be too solid and we often feel stuck or resigned. It may lead to depression as well. There is a loss of interest in life, a lack of creativity, lack of clarity- you cannot think clearly, it becomes difficult to remember things. An excess of earth makes you overweight, you may be surrounded by clutter, and also may feel uninspired and insensitive.

A Deficient Earth

When the earth element is lacking there is a sense of being ungrounded, without anchor,

unable to feel at home anywhere, always searching for something to feel stable and secure. You may find it difficult to complete any task, unable to focus, disorientated, disconnected, scattered and weak, easily agitated, frivolous, insecure, spacey, dissatisfied and irresponsible.

Retrieving the Elemental Essences

This is one of the very ancient techniques that the Bon practitioners use in order to bring about the necessary healing and spiritual growth and here I must emphasize that it is a powerful method in spite of all its simplicity.

In this technique one connects with the raw elements in nature and internalizes the qualities of the external element, the final aim here is to become one with the element.

From the information given above you can check whether there is a lack or an excess of the earth element in you. Since the elements exist in a dynamic relationship, one becomes deficient when the other becomes dominant. So, if earth is dominant then it means that there is a lack of either air or fire. Retrieve air or fire and also, eat lighter foods and avoid exhaustion.

Retrieving Earth

Find a place where the earth element is prominent- mountains, rocks, sand or any place where you can feel its energy the most, sit, lie or stand barefoot on the ground. This kind of direct contact with the element makes it easier for us to access its energy. Rest in complete silence, and an awareness of the elemental presence. Feel the solidity, stability, security and connectedness of earth, allow the earth energy to enter your body and connect to its healing qualities with gratitude and deep respect.


It is not always possible to be surrounded by earth in its raw form but nevertheless you can retrieve the element whenever you need it. Use visualization techniques to tap into the earth energy, for eg. imagine sinking roots like a tree, or focus your attention on the ground beneath you, feel the support of the earth, tap into the infinite source of nourishment within.


I have written the following prayer, but you can also make your own prayers or affirmations to the elemental energy.

"I invoke the earth goddess, the supreme enlightened being to help me overcome all the problems and obstacles, both inside and outside. Help me retrieve the lost and damaged earth quality of my soul and heal me and all those who need to be healed."

As far as diet is concerned, it is advisable to eat heavier foods and avoid stimulants. Exercise.



It is very important to get familiar with the practice to gain the highest benefits. Try making a daily routine, making a date with the elements- as Rinpoche says. Spend atleast 15mts. with the earth element for about a week or more. Since it depends entirely on the level of imbalance that you are suffering, it may take as long as a month or as less as a day to receive the benefits. Do not exert too much of effort, relax and just be present to feel the elemental essence. Have your tea or coffee in the lawn, or grow some vegetables or fruits in a pot, walk on sand, climb a rock etc. The mere fact of being in its graceful presence can itself be very liberating and healing.

So, I hope the next time you feel weak, scattered or ungrounded, you will remember to retrieve the earth energy.


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