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Elemental Healing With Water

Water in its raw form covers 75% of the earth's surface and it also constitutes almost 70% of our physical body. There can be no life on this planet without water.

Water connects every aspect of our life, it is not only essential for our basic survival like drinking and other household activities but is also indispensable for agriculture, trade and industry, electricity, etc. We totally depend on water, it has the power to either make our life easy and comfortable or difficult and unproductive. This relationship we have with water has always been the same, even if we look back into the past we can see how water played a key role in transforming our social, political and economic structure. Ancient civilizations who knew how to harness the power of water were able to make gigantic advancements in all areas of their life, for eg. the Sumerians who lived near Tigris and Euphrates rivers started farming and living a more sedentary life, built cities, made numerous technological inventions etc, the Indus valley civilization flourished in the basins of Indus river, and Nile was the lifeline of Egyptian civilization.

When Water is Balanced Internally

According to the Bon tradition, water is blood and other fluids present inside our body. The vital organ represented by it is the kidneys. The colour is luminous blue.

The qualities associated with it is comfort and fluidity. A balanced water in our body brings about a sense of satisfaction and comfort with oneself and also with respect to our surroundings. We are calm and fluid, capable of responding to the changing circumstances with ease. It gives an innate sense of happiness and peace that is not dependent on the external conditions. Water helps in elimination, cleansing and purification as well. There are rituals that involves cleansing and purifying impurity or negativity with the help of water.

Dominant Water

Too much of water makes us overly emotional, overly sensitive and trapped in self-pity. We are content in limiting ourselves in our own comfort zone, unwilling to put any hard work to change unfavourable or difficult situations, floating through life unable to fulfill our responsibilities. One becomes excessively accommodating in life situation that calls for action and in order to simply avoid any kind of discomfort, are even willing to give up something valuable. An excess of water is a sign of too little fire or air element.

Deficient water

When we lack the water element, there is a sense of discomfort with ourselves and with those around us. There is a lack of a feeling of satisfaction in whatever you do or with whoever you are, nothing gives you peace or joy.

Retrieving Water

Find a place where you can come in direct contact with water, it could be an ocean, a lake, a flowing river etc. Listen to the relaxing and soothing sound of the waves, the calm of its depths, and the stillness of the lake. You can even listen to the rain, swim, or feel the energy of water as you shower or drink. Engage with water, touch, and feel its comfort, its clear, calm, fluid and peaceful nature. Internalize these qualities and rest in this state of being one with the water for as long as you can.


We lose this comfort too often. It is the comfort of being itself, the ease of being.We see someone who upsets us or we go to a party or a business appointment and feel uptight, jerky, and agitated. The water element is diminished. Recall such situations, but this time feel the comfort of water. Let the events unfold while you remain internally at peace. And when you find yourself next in a situation in which you are agitated, annoyed, overly critical, or worried, connect to water. The elemental energy is everywhere, even in the driest desert–though it helps to be near water for support when you’re first learning the practice.

"Healing with Form, Energy and Light"


Spend more time with the element, at least 15-20 minutes daily, this will help deepen your relationship with it. According to the Bon tradition, the sacred elements of the outer world helps us connect with the sacred element within. This connection leads to an experience of a very powerful and positive transformation that heals and rejuvenates our body, mind and soul.

Prayers and Affirmations

We can always pray to the water goddess for help. I have written the following prayer but you can make your own prayers and affirmations as well.

"I invoke the water goddess, the supreme enlightened being to help me overcome all the problems and obstacles, both inside and outside. Please help me retrieve the lost and damaged water qualities of my soul, restore my elemental balance and heal me and all those who need to be healed."


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