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Elemental Healing With Space

Space allows objects and events to occur. The universe is a vast and boundless expanse of space which contains all of everything in existence, like galaxies, stars, and planets etc. It is said that the outer space is relatively empty, almost a perfect vacuum full of cosmic voids.

Balanced Space

Space is the only non-physical element, the most subtle of all the five elements. All the other four elements exist and function through the element space. According to the Bön tradition space is the innermost awareness, which is the clear light that pervades all consciousness. It is also described as the space the body occupies and the spaces inside the body like the hollow of the empty intestines, blood vessels, etc. The vital organ represented by this element is heart and the colour is luminous white or clear.

It is vast, open, spacious, expansive, pervasive, and accommodating. Everything arises, exists and dissolves into space.

The space in which the universe arises, the space our living room couch occupies, and the space in which our thoughts arise is the same space and is sacred. And all that is in space—substantial and insubstantial, matter and mind—is the elements.

If the space element is balanced within you then everything that occurs in your life can be easily accommodated. With a vast and accommodating perspective you are not overwhelmed by any external situation or event. A person with a balanced space has the capability of dealing with multiple responsibilities and still manage to have a me time. There is enough space, enough time, enough capacity to allow experiences to unfold and not get caught up by it i.e. there is enough room for experience without the experiencer getting lost or overwhelmed by the experience. We usually define ourselves by external factors like our body, relationship, job etc and these are the contents of space and not the space itself, so it can change at any time, thus what we have today might not be with us tomorrow, then how will we define ourselves? who or what are we?

If we fully integrate the space element Then we are free because we are no longer bound by what arises in experience. We realize our true nature and do not try to find ourselves in the particulars of our situation. We are connected to the essence and don’t look outside to find the cause of our problems. We know any problem we are experiencing is simply something arising in space; we don’t have to become the problem. We can support ourselves through the experience of being rather than through how others see us or what we have or what we do. There is more acceptance of ourselves and of what we encounter. For example, a man who has a beautiful family and a successful business, and who identifies himself with both, can lose both. Then he can lose himself or open himself, depending on his relationship to space. A painful situation can result in a negative or a positive outcome, depending on the response. With the loss of external definition, identity can become either constricted, fearful, and fragile or it can expand outside of its normal confines by identifying with the space in which experience arises.
Healing With Form, Energy and Light

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Dominant Space

When the space element is in excess you lack awareness and lose connection with all the other four elements or the contents of space. You become spacey, lost, disoriented and disjointed. There is a lack of connection with life, being out of touch with everything that is going on around you. A dominant space may indicate a lack of earth.

Deficient Space

A lack of space element can cause the other elements or the contents of space to dominate and determine our reaction. You feel blocked and lack openness. The difficulties and problems, however big or small, seem to be solid and impenetrable, it becomes too much for you to handle and you are overwhelmed by it. A deficiency of space may cause some other element to become dominant and hence influence the way you react to external situations.

Retrieving Space From Nature

In the Dzogchen tradition there is a very important practice called sky gazing which is used by the yogis to develop the space element. They merge the outer spaciousness into the inner spaciousness or awareness and hence abide in the pure nature of mind.

You can use a simple form of this technique to generate a feeling of openness that comes with a sense of awareness that is strong enough to help you deal with your problems and difficulties of the daily life with equanimity, generate space for positive experience, and remove all your defilements.

Find a place where the space element is evident, some place where you can see a large vast expanse of space for a great distance, like a broad open field, top of a hill or a mountain, or a tall building with a window view, roof of a house or a view across the open sea etc. but if it is not possible for you to be in an such an open area then you can very well start by simply looking out of your window to connect with the space element. The place should not be too hot nor too cold. Avoid direct sunlight. The sky should be open and clear.

Sit comfortably in a safe place and fix your gaze on the clear blue sky. Look at the vast sky, connect with its all-embracing, limitless spaciousness and feel this outer spaciousness penetrate your being and connect you to the inner spaciousness. When you connect and integrate with space then all your suffering and negative thoughts dissolve into it and you will feel a sense of openness awaken in you, your heart and mind opens up, and there is more space for whatever experiences arise in your life, mind becomes clearer and you are better equipped to face all kinds of challenges in life. Appreciate any feeling of comfort or peace that arises and rest in this feeling for as long as you can.

Prayers and Affirmations

You can always call upon the space goddess who is an awakened being of the highest level. She is white in colour. I have made the following prayer but if you want, you can make your own prayers and affirmations. Also, for a detailed Goddess practice please consult the above mentioned book by Venerable Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

"I invoke the space goddess, the supreme enlightened being to help me overcome all the problems and obstacles, both internal and external. Please help me retrieve the lost and damaged space quality of my soul and heal me and all those who need to be healed."


Try making a daily routine, making a date with the elements- as Rinpoche says. Spend at least 15 -20min with the lacking air element for about a week or more. Since it depends entirely on the level of imbalance that you are suffering, it may take as long as a month or as less as a day to receive the benefits. Do not exert too much of effort, relax and just be present to feel the elemental energy.You can enjoy your tea or coffee while you abide in the pure elemental presence.


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