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Elemental Healing With Fire

Our ancestors used fire as a protection against predators, to stay warm in harsh and cold climate, cook food, make more advanced tools, to clear fields and produce ash to be used as fertilizer, etc. The control of fire by early humans marked a turning point in the evolution of human beings, Charles Darwin stated that the control of fire was "probably the greatest ever discovery made by man, excepting language."

Fire has both direct and indirect impact on us. Plants and certain other organisms produce food and oxygen by transforming light energy ( mainly sunlight ) into chemical energy. This process is termed photosynthesis. These photosynthetic organisms/autotrophs are the primary producers that form the base of our food webs and are consumed directly or indirectly by all other higher life forms. In short, if photosynthesis were to cease then there wouldn't be any food or other organic matter on Earth, most living organisms would disappear, and also Earth's atmosphere would eventually be almost devoid of any gaseous oxygen.

A Balanced Fire

Fire is present inside our body as the electrical and chemical energies and metabolic heat.

The basic qualities associated with fire is energy, warmth, inspiration, strong will, joy and creativity. The colour is luminous red and the vital organ represented by it is liver.

When the fire element is balanced, we are full of inspiration, creative ideas, excitement, bliss, intuition and enthusiasm. We not only initiate projects but are capable of bringing them to fruition. We are quick, energetic, warm, lively, joyful and fully engaged with life.

Dominant Fire

When there is an excess of fire, one becomes irritated and agitated very easily. There is a total lack of tolerance to other people's way of thinking or being, anything can trigger their anger and cause them to react impulsively in an aggressive manner. Too much of fire without the stability of earth can make a person ungrounded and unstable. If there is also a lack of water, there can be a persistent discomfort and restlessness. You may find it difficult to remain still and silent and so you speak fast and talk a lot, generating one idea after another without being able to fully articulate any of them. There is difficulty sleeping as well.

Deficient Fire

A lack of fire in the body manifests as a lack of energy, vitality and inspiration. We may initiate projects but are incapable of bringing them to fruition. There is no enthusiasm, excitement and joy, and life becomes a cycle of routine. If the fire is deficient with an excess of air, then movement may exist but is repetitive and uncreative.

Retrieving Fire From Nature

Find a place in or out of your home where you can get plenty of sunshine. You can also sit before a fire. Focus on the warmth your skin feels, allow this heat to penetrate your inner

being. Feel the warmth of fire in your blood, muscles, nerves and every core of your cells. Let the creative and blissful joy of fire awaken in you, internalize the fire qualities and become one with it.

When you are feeling uninspired, dull, or flat, connect with fire. When working with a negative habit or tendency in yourself, burn it in the fire of your practice. Use your mind to bring fire into areas of your body that are sick or wounded, use it to purify what is there and to invigorate the healing process. When you feel weak and uncertain, connect with fire for its strength and its creative vision. When you are weary or uninspired, draw on fire to give strength to the will.

In the advanced practice of inner fire, called tummo in Tibetan, the psychic fire is developed. Successful yogis who practice the inner fire are able to live in the cold climate of Tibet with little clothing because they can draw on the energy of fire that is always present.

Healing with Form, Energy and Light

Prayers and affirmations

You can always call upon the fire goddess who is an awakened being of the highest level. She is red in colour. I have made the following prayer but if you want, you can make your own prayers and affirmations. Also, for a detailed Goddess practice please consult the above mentioned book by Venerable Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

"I invoke the fire goddess, the supreme enlightened being to help me overcome all the problems and obstacles, both internal and external. Please help me retrieve the lost and damaged fire quality of my soul and heal me and all those who need to be healed."


It is very important to get familiar with the practice to gain the highest benefits. Try making a daily routine, making a date with the elements- as Rinpoche says. Spend at least 15mts. with the fire element for about a week or more. Since it depends entirely on the level of imbalance that you are suffering, it may take as long as a month or as less as a day to receive the benefits. Do not exert too much of effort, relax and just be present to feel the elemental energy.

During meditation, when you start to feel drowsy it is always helpful to bring an image of fire to your mind.


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